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Being a creator in the 21st century is a challenging task. You must cut through the digital clutter and learn how to get more views and subscribers.

The 1000 subscriber mark is important for YouTube, as it leads to monetization. So, it has become more important than ever to learn how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube the organic way.

You are in the right place if you struggle to get more views on your channel. Our digital marketing experts have created a comprehensive guide to help you organically cross the 1000 subscriber mark.

Table of Contents

Breaking Down the YouTube Algorithm In 2023

An infographic about the YouTube algorithmIn 2023, the YouTube algorithm delivers unique recommendations to users. These are customized based on a person’s watch history, interests, and more.

The YouTube algorithm keeps changing, and if you want to learn how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube, you must master this algorithm.

Here are some things the YouTube algorithm will take into account when recommending videos to users:

  • Watch History: These are the videos users have watched in the past. If someone has watched a 20-minute workout video, YouTube will send more workout videos.
  • Videos People Watch Together: Based on the watch history, the algorithm will recommend users other videos they would like to watch as a follow-up.
  • Channels and Topics: The algorithm will show similar content if users love watching the Food Network channel.

It Is Not About Content

You might think that YouTube ranks your videos based on the content. But YouTube has officially stated that they don’t pay attention to videos.

Instead, they pay attention to the viewer’s behaviours. So, to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube, you must make the viewers happy, which will make the YouTube algorithm happy.

Some Key Metrics of the YouTube Algorithm

As the YouTube algorithm checks the behaviour of users, here are some key metrics they use for recommendations:

  • Are people watching the content? When YouTube recommends the video, do users watch it or ignore it?
  • Duration: The algorithm checks the duration of the view and the average percentage of views on the video.
  • Likes: Did people like the video? The algorithm will assess the likes and dislikes along with engagement rates.
  • Regional context: Your post’s language and time of day also affect the YouTube algorithm.

The YouTube Shorts Algorithm

Let’s not forget how YouTube ranks shorts if that is what you are trying to create. Millions of people watch YouTube shorts daily.

Our experts have stated some key elements YouTube takes into account when ranking shorts:

  • Engagement: Are people liking and commenting on your videos?
  • Relevance: Does the user search intent match your description, content, tags, and title?
  • Similar content: What type of shorts do similar audiences like watching?
  • History: What have users viewed or enjoyed in the past?
  • Watch time: Has the person watched the complete video?

The algorithm works more or less the same for long and short videos.

How to Get 1000 YouTube Subscribes in a Day Hack: Don’t Fall for This Gimmick

Google search results on how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTubeWhen you Google “how to get 1000 subscribers,” you will find many people selling hacks and gimmicks. Here are some results you can expect to find when you look for this term:

  • How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube for free
  • How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube in 1 day
  • Hack for getting 1000 subscribers on YouTube

While you may be tempted to click these links, we recommend you don’t. These links will direct you to pages that urge you to buy subscribers for your YouTube channel.

For example, many will allow you to purchase bot subscribers that will not engage with your content. Besides that, YouTube has a fake engagement policy to prevent such things from happening.

So, if you break this policy, you might be banned from the platform or face other repercussions. It is not worth it, and your best bet is to get more subscribers organically.

Monetizing Account Through 1000 Subscribers and 4000 Hours Watch Time

Understanding YouTube’s monetization policy is crucial to maximizing your account. The YPP (YouTube Partner Program) provides creators access to monetization features, resources, and support.

You will only be eligible for monetization once you:

  • Have 4,000 valid watch hours with 1,000 subscribers in 12 months
  • Get 10 million views on Shorts with 1,000 subscribers in 90 days

How to Apply for the YouTube Partner Program

You can apply for the YPP to monetize your account by following these steps:

  • Log into your YouTube account
  • Click your profile picture on the top right
  • Open the left menu and click Earn
  • Select Apply
  • Click on Start to review and accept the terms
  • Again, click Start to set up your AdSense account

After you are done, you will see that the application is in progress. This means that the platform has your application and will review it.

How to Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube: A Complete Checklist

A complete checklist of how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTubeNow that you have a general overview of YouTube and how you can monetize, let’s get down to business. Follow our complete checklist to learn how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube and begin your monetization journey:

1. Create your YouTube Channel

First, set up your channel and optimize it to reap the best results. Add a profile picture, banner art, channel description, and more.

We also recommend you verify the YouTube channel to unlock access to different features. You can verify your channel using text messages or phone calls.

2. Figure out the Niche you want to Target

A general YouTube channel targeting broad categories will confuse your followers. Instead, it is best to stick to a niche and provide valuable videos related to that.

Some profitable niches you can target include the following:

  • Reviewing gadgets and technology
  • Educational content
  • Investments and personal finance
  • Digital Marketing
  • Gaming niche
  • And more

We recommend you opt for a niche you already have knowledge about. It will make creating content easier, and you can talk with authority about the subject.

3. Research Successful Ideas Specific to Your Niche

Now that you have your niche ready to go, it is time to brainstorm for ideas. The best place to begin your research is the YouTube search bar.

Type a few words related to your niche, and see what content YouTube suggests. These are not random suggestions by YouTube but terms and phrases people search for.

This means that there is demand for such content on the platform. You can also use an underscore in the search bar, and YouTube will fill it with relevant phrases.

Check out the picture below for what we mean. Doing this will let you know what people look for and serve as a solid base to begin your brainstorming process.

4. Begin Creating and Posting Content

Once your profile is up and running, it is time to create and post the content you want. We recommend a consistent posting schedule to provide stability and expectations regarding your YouTube channel.

Your viewers will know when they should expect your content, which means they will keep an eye on your channel. If you need to know where to begin, you can see what people are doing in your niche.

Learn how they create videos and what subscribers love about their channel. You can incorporate these learnings into your channel and add your personal touch.

5. Ask your Viewers to Subscribe to Your Channel

Ask, and ye shall receive, goes the famous saying. If you want to learn how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube, you must ask people viewing your videos to subscribe to your channel.

Make this brief, and ask clearly and concisely. Focus on the main topic of your video and add, say, a sentence or two regarding this in the middle or end of your video.

6. Tell them what you’re working on Next at the End

Leave people wanting more by ending your video with what you are working on next. If you do your job right, people will want more content.

You can also hype your next video to clarify why people shouldn’t miss it, leading to organic subscriptions. Only do this once you properly get a hold of your content schedule and know what is coming next.

Then, you can let your viewers know what they can expect in the upcoming videos.

7. Engage with Your Audience through Your Videos

Before you create content and shoot, you must think about the journey of your viewers in the video. Every viewer is not a number but a real human being with thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Your YouTube content must aim at building a relationship with them. Doing this will ensure they can consume your content and return to your channel.

Here are some ways you can utilize to engage with your audience in your videos:

  • Ask viewers to leave their feedback in the comments
  • Occasionally run live streams on your channel
  • Ask viewers to leave a thumbs-up if they like your video
  • Start a discussion in the videos, and ask your viewers to continue it in the comment

You can also host giveaways or contests so people can engage with your videos even more. Just be sure to create guidelines for everything so you can conduct these accurately.

8. Craft Branding for your YouTube Channel

Branding is one of the top core elements when you learn how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube. Our YouTube experts have listed all the ways you can brand your channel:

Channel Icon

Think of the channel icon as your logo on the platform. It will appear on your page and show up everywhere you comment.

You must ensure that it accurately represents your brand. Besides that, people should be able to recognize it even when it is small.

Banner Art

The YouTube banner will show up any time someone clicks on the channel. They can stumble upon your channel because of various reasons.

Your banner art must represent who you are and why they should explore your channel. If someone is lost and clicks on your channel, they can decide whether to stick around.


Your channel’s About page is an important aspect of your YouTube identity. It should describe your channel and let viewers know why they should subscribe to your channel.

These descriptions have a limit of 1,000 characters. Be clear and concise to explain to potential viewers what your channel offers.

Custom Link

Finally, we recommend you create a custom link for your YouTube channel. You can do this by:

  • Opening YouTube Studio
  • Select customization from the left menu
  • Click on Basic Info
  • Scroll down to the Channel URL
  • Change your URL

You can change your URL to your channel name or anything else that describes it best. Remember that you need at least a hundred subscribers before YouTube can give you a custom link.

9. Add Branding to Your Video Thumbnails

You can think of the video thumbnail as a cover for your video. It is your first chance to persuade someone to click on your videos.

Professional and consistent thumbnails will be a core element of your branding efforts. It will let your viewers know about who you are.

Keep it consistent using the same colour palette, font, composition, and more. As you reach more people, this will add to a seamless viewer and branding experience.

10. Think of a Content Strategy

As you post on your channel, perfect your content strategy and learn from your mistakes. Winning the YouTube algorithm also includes posting consistently and creating fantastic content.

Let’s explore some things you can research to perfect your content strategy:

  • Pain points of your target audience
  • What time your audience is active on YouTube
  • The type of content your audience consumes
  • What type of content works well in your niche

Researching these points will give you a direction to create an exceptional content strategy. You can keep tweaking the strategy as you learn more about what works well for your channel.

11. Release Videos Consistently

Consistency is key to customer retention, regardless of what you are doing. Initially, you can create a schedule of posting once a week.

Then, as you learn how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube and your channel grows, you can increase the posting consistency.

The first thing you must focus on is the quality of your content. Next, you must keep working on consistency and quantity.

Consistency will let people know that you will offer them more quality content. Because of this, they might tap Subscribe as they know you will release more content soon.

12. Leverage the Power of Other Social Media Platforms

Do you have a community of existing followers and fans? If you do, then you can leverage the power of other social media platforms for your YouTube channel.

This refers to cross-promoting, and it will encourage people to check your YouTube channel. For example, you can post a small teaser to your latest YouTube video on other social media platforms such as Instagram.

When people view the teaser here and want to learn more, they can click the link that will lead them to YouTube. So, reach out to your existing followers and fans to follow your content on YouTube.

13. Research Hashtags, Descriptions, and Titles

Hashtags, descriptions, and titles are crucial to optimizing your YouTube channel. All these are part of YouTube SEO.

When you add them to video descriptions, titles, and hashtags, you will more likely match with users’ search intent. Big YouTube channels use various tools to help them with keyword research for such optimization.

For example, Google Keyword Planner is a popular tool that will help you identify phrases and words people will use to find information you offer.

A good way to find keywords is to look for ones with higher search volumes and low competition. Trial and error on your channel will allow you to perfect your strategy and YouTube content.

14. Collaborate with Creators

Social media platforms allow us to foster community with like-minded people. You can also leverage this aspect of the platform by collaborating with other creators in your niche.

Reach out to them naturally, talk to them, and ask them for potential collaboration. You will benefit from their audience, and you might have a great collaboration in the future.

15. Unlock Analytics to Track Progress

Track your progress so you know whether your strategy of getting 1000 subscribers on YouTube is working. YouTube Analytics is a great way to track these aspects of your channel and grow with more subscribers.

It is a free resource for creators to help them understand what makes people view and subscribe to your channel. You can access Analytics by:

  • Going to the YouTube Studio
  • Click on Analytics on the left
  • Access statistics of the performance of all your videos

Once you have these statistics, you can derive insights from them. Then, you can see the gaps in your strategy and identify opportunities.

Soon, you will have a strategy that will help you gain more subscribers on your channel.

16. Add YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts have gained immense popularity, and you can benefit from this as a creator. Think about the kind of Shorts content you can offer your audience that will be valuable.

There is a lot of competition in the Shorts space, so be sure to have excellent content to help you shine. Do active research on YouTube by consuming viral Shorts, taking notes from them, and applying them to your videos.

Sprinkle some YouTube Shorts here and there to your content to create variety for your viewers.

17. Tools and Equipment

The right equipment and tools will allow you to create stunning content. While some things may be out of your budget, it is good to have a few basics to begin creating and editing content.

You can begin your journey by investing in a few things for your YouTube channel:

  • Tripod
  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Ring light
  • Video editing software
  • Backdrops
  • And more

Initially, you don’t need to invest in expensive equipment. Instead, stick to the basic tools that will help you easily create content.

You can order from Amazon or find stores in your local region that will provide these tools at an affordable price.

18. Ask Viewers to Leave Feedback in Comments

Engage with your viewers by asking them to leave their comments below. Be sure to respond to their comments and engage with them.

Even when people are on such platforms, they look for community, and you can offer them this with comments and responses.

A valuable and informative video will always make people think and encourage them to discuss further.

19. Stay Updated with New YouTube Features

As a creator, you must stay up-to-date with the latest features that YouTube offers everyone. These features keep on changing, and new things are added from time to time.

You can check Creator Updates here and see what YouTube has in store for you next. The changes also appear on the YouTube Studio app to help you stay current.

20. Learn from Successful YouTube Channels

See what is working for successful creators in your niche, and take notes. It will enable you to have some direction you can steer your channel toward.

Refrain from copying their ideas. Instead, take inspiration and provide your own unique perspective on the content.

You can also check failed channels and see what gaps they need to fill. Conducting meticulous research will allow you to have a full picture of what you must do for your channel’s success.

Who Has the Most Subscribers on YouTube?

Bar chart representing YouTube channels with the most subscribersT-Series has the most YouTube subscribers, with nearly 250 million subscribers. The remaining top channels with the most subscribers on YouTube include the following:

  • MrBeast: 180 million
  • Cocomelon: 164 million
  • Sony Entertainment TV: 161 million
  • Kids Diana Show: 113 million
  • PewDiePie: 111 million

How Much Does YouTube Pay After Hitting the 1000 Subscribers Mark?

When you hit the 1,000 subscribers mark on YouTube, you can earn between $50 and $100 monthly. The amount depends on the membership fee you set for your channel.

You can also bring ad revenue between $100 and $10,000 through AdSense. Remember that these numbers keep changing with time, so check the latest numbers.

How Long Does it Take to Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube?

There is no set time to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube. All you can do is follow the right strategies to create and publish content.

Consistency is key, and it will help you get results with ease. So, learn how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube and keep implementing these tactics.

Within a few months to a year, you will easily reach the thousand subscriber mark for your channel.


How do you get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube fast?

There is no fast way to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube. You have to follow the right strategies and reap results consistently.

How to get subscribers fast?

Organic ways are the only ones you can use to grow your subscriber base on YouTube. If somebody promises you a fast way, avoid falling for the trap.

Does YouTube give money for 1k subscribers?

You can monetize your YouTube channel once you have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time within twelve months.

How quickly can you get 1,000 subscribers?

There is no time limit to this. As long as you know the right strategies for getting 1000 subscribers on YouTube, it can take you anywhere between a few months to a year to gain more subscribers.

Final Thoughts

It is not enough to learn how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube. You also have to implement it in your channel.

Do your research, create incredible content, learn from your mistakes, and see what other successful creators are doing. If you are persistent and consistent, you will reap the desired results.